"CRM software is used to keep track of the auto dealership customers over time."
If The Customer Is Not In The Automotive CRM - That Customer Does Not Exist. (CRM) - Customer Retention Management Software. This is software that is used to keep track of the auto dealership customers over time. Why is this so hard to understand? All the customer data needs to be in the CRM every time. Why do sales staff and managers refuse to put all interactions with customers in the dealership CRM? I often find that data is not going into the CRM because of these reasons. Guide To Automotive CRM's
1. The Sales Staff or Managers are lazy, they just will not stop and enter the data.
2. Manager are trying to hide the data to give the data to a favored staff member.
3. Sales staff feel it will be held against them with a lower close ratio.
4. The customer is already in the system under a different sales person name.
How do automotive sales staff & managers cheat the CRM?
How Do Automotive Sales Staff & Managers Cheat The CRM?
1. When a Sales Manager does not enter a call into the CRM and then hands a piece of paper to a favored sales person who may or may not enter the data.
2. When a Sales Person finds out that an existing lot up, lead or call is already in the CRM then starts working the customer outside of the CRM on their phone or email to try and get a sale without notifying the original sales person.
3. When a customer that does not seem like they are willing or able to buy is not entered into the CRM to show a lower close ration.
4. When fake information or miss spelled name or incorrect information is entered to show a different lead than one that is already in the CRM.
"Allowing staff to cheat the CRM is a poison that will work its way into every sales person"
Allowing sales staff or manager to not enter data or hide data in the CRM is a poison that will work its way into every sales person at the dealership. You must deal with the CRM cheaters or things will get more and more out of control. I over heard a sales person say to the manager, why is this other sales person on this deal? There is nothing in the CRM from that sales person no interactions with the customer, yet I have entered all of the customers information and every interaction with the customer. The sales person then said to the manager, that sales person does that all the time, he tries to take deals from others or tries get on deals but there is nothing in the CRM to support what he says. To my shock the manager of 4 years said, "I did not know he was doing that". I about fell off my rocker, I was only at the dealership a few days and realized what that sales person was doing.
I about fell off my rocker, I was only at the dealership a few days and realized that the sales person was cheating the CRM.
Vincent Hoss - Digital Marketing Manager - Internet Director - Webmaster -Does Your Dealership Need A Dentist?